Put the success in succession planning

Develop a pipeline of successors with integrated learning and coaching that prepares them for executive leadership from day one.

Expedite successor impact

Prepare successors to step into executive roles with proven strategies, frameworks, and resources

Build your succession pipeline

Develop a bench of capable leaders ready to fill executive roles with development paths curated to your organization’s needs

Invest in your people

Save time and money with a platform that connects future executives to the top business schools, management experts, and coaches

Free GUIDE Are your future executives ready for what’s next?

Learn how to design leadership development paths that accelerate successor readiness in pivotal moments for your business.

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Strengthen executive skills with hands-on resources

Put theory into practice with projects empowering your successors to apply executive tactics to real-world business challenges while building confidence and experience.

15 years of experience

ExecOnline coaches have an average of 15 years of leadership experience

14 languages

Executive coaching available in multiple languages, including Spanish, Mandarin, and more

12 time zones

Coaches are located around the globe

11 top business schools

Programs co-created with Duke, Wharton, Stanford, and other top business schools

130+ programs

Extensive library of self-paced and immersive programs to help leaders develop critical capabilities

125K+ alumni

A growing community of graduates who took their next step with ExecOnline

Measure the impact of successor development

Our reporting gives you a clear picture of engagement, progress, ROI, and trends to help you see what’s working and identify ways to optimize development paths.

Learn more

Coaching accelerates succession readiness

Every successor is matched to a certified executive coach who guides them through the process, acts as a sounding board, and workshops action plans along their development path.

  • Unleash leadership potential

    Successors hone their strengths with customized programs that foster an executive mindset as they prepare step into a new role

  • Bolster executive skillset

    Successors develop the capabilities they’ll need to thrive in their new role, balancing in-depth learning programs with real-world application

  • Equip leaders to meet the moment

    Successors explore practical strategies and proven frameworks to tackle your organization’s specific challenges

“This was an invaluable experience and my coach was perfect for me. I was able to learn so much and gain so much confidence. I cannot recommend this experience enough!”
Vice President, Telecommunications Company
“I enjoyed being able to discuss specific business challenges and situations with my coach. Getting to the root of the issues I faced helped me feel and be more productive and focused.”
Sr. Vice President, Financial Services Company
“I am learning and developing skills that I can actually apply to my work in a way that is resulting in better productivity for myself and my team.”
Sr. Director, Non-profit company

Tap into more resources for successor development planning:

A group of diverse office leaders collaborate at a conference table
What is Bench Strength?

A strong talent bench is the best indicator of organizational resilience. Get started learning how to measure and build your bench strength.

Read the blog
Real-World CXO Development Paths

Discover real-world development paths that integrate executive coaching and immersive learning to target critical capabilities for every member of the C-Suite.

Show me the way
8 Succession Planning Mistakes to Avoid

A few mistakes can derail your succession plan. Here are some common pitfalls to avoid in order to identify and prepare capable leaders for your organization’s most important roles.

Learn more

Don’t let succession gaps trip up your organization

Learn how you can invest in the future of your business and people with ExecOnline’s successor development paths today

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