Leading Customer-Centric Growth

Create high-quality growth with proven customer-centric strategies.

Program Duration

6 weeks

Time Commitment

30 hours
(5 hours/week)


Wharton School Certificate of Completion

About the Program

In this 6-week program, top faculty from Wharton show leaders how to increase their organization’s value by enabling them to identify and understand high-value customers, and then creating strategies that capture their wallets.

Program Overview

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Who Should Attend

  • Managers
  • Director
  • Vice Presidents

Program Structure

  • 6 week duration, 30 hours to complete requirements
  • 10 hours of on-demand, HD lectures
  • Professor interactions, group learning, and optional coaching sessions
  • Facilitated intra-company team meetings
  • Final project, which integrates weekly activities

Key Takeaways

  • Development: Build a leadership bench that can make the case for customer-centricity and execute related strategies.
  • Organizational: Customer-centricity enables organizations to identify and understand high-value customers, and to better differentiate themselves from competitors to those customers. This improves business outcomes and creates hiqh-quality growth.
  • Earn more profit: According to research by Deloitte, customer-centric organizations are 60% more profitable compared to companies that are product-centric.
  • Retain customers: According to the Office of Consumer Affairs, acquiring new customers can cost 6-7x more than keeping existing customers.
  • Create experiences: According to McKinsey, 70% of buying experiences are based on how the customer feels they are being treated.
  • Personal: Drive change within your organization by introducing customer-centric growth.

Upcoming Program Dates

  • February 17-March 30
  • April 21-May 26
  • July 7-August 17
  • September 1-October 12
  • October 20-November 30

Ready to Learn More?

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Experienced Faculty

  • Jagmohan S. Raju

    Vice Dean, Wharton Executive Education, Professor of Marketing, The Wharton School

    Professor Jagmohan S. Raju is internationally known for his research on pricing strategies, coupon programs, managing private labels, and sales force compensation. He consults extensively with companies around the world on designing pricing strategies and developing launch plans for new products.

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  • Patti Williams

    Vice Dean, Wharton Executive Education; Ira A. Lipman Associate Professor of Marketing, The Wharton School

    Professor Patti Williams’s current research projects focus on how emotions influence consumer decisions and processes of persuasion, consumer responses to emotional and attitudinal ambivalence, emotion regulation, and the emotions associated with social identities.

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  • Bob Meyer

    Frederick H. Ecker/MetLife Insurance Professor, The Wharton School

    Professor Robert Meyer is a noted scholar whose research focuses on consumer decision analysis, sales response modeling, and decision making under uncertainty.

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  • Don Huesman

    Former Managing Director of Wharton Online

    Professor Huesman has held positions at Wharton as managing director of the Innovation Group, supervising technology support for the School’s academic departments and faculty, and overseeing the use of technology in Executive Education. Professor Huesman has been a lecturer in Wharton’s graduate…

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Additional Information

  • How many hours per week am I expected to devote to the program?

    Our programs are designed for busy professionals. Participants are expected to spend 4-5 hours each week watching video lectures and completing assignments. There are also live online sessions most weeks, which last 1-1.5 hours each.

  • How long does the program last?

    Our leadership development programs last 6 weeks. Additionally, you will complete a short orientation prior to the official start of the program.

  • Will I receive a grade or university credit?

    Upon successfully completing the program, you will receive a certificate of completion from the sponsoring business school. ExecOnline provides non-degree programs for which no grades or university credits are provided.

  • Who takes ExecOnline programs?

    Our programs are designed for busy leaders—managers, directors, VPs, and C-suite—with the drive and desire to solve their organization’s critical business challenges. Our short, focused programs allow you to develop solutions for both near- and long-term challenges—without disrupting your day-to-day responsibilities.

  • Will I apply my learnings to real-world work objectives?

    Yes. You will develop a project of your choosing that addresses your organization’s critical business challenges. At the completion of the program, you will have produced an implementation-ready project, designed to make a fiscal and business impact.

  • Do you have an alumni program?

    Yes. You can stay connected to ExecOnline through our alumni group, which allows you to interact with peers to generate support and networking opportunities. While this program does not grant alumni benefits from the institution where you earned your certification, ExecOnline offers its own alumni program to foster ongoing engagement and connections.

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