About the Program
Leading and Managing Globally, a 6-week leadership development program, delivers participants the ability to use informal authority to create alignment and change and to lead effectively within a matrixed global organization.
Executives acquire the global mindset and competencies needed to effectively lead in this world, from bridging cultural divides, to recognizing more deeply the sources of organizational power and information flow, to overcoming barriers to change.
Who Should Attend
- Senior Leaders
- Mid-level & Team Leaders
- Project Managers
- Directors
Program Structure
- 6 week duration, 30 hours to complete requirements
- 10 hours of on-demand, HD lectures
- Professor interactions, group learning, and optional coaching sessions
- Facilitated intra-company team meetings
- Final project, which integrates weekly activities
Key Takeaways
- Identify sources of informal power and leverage your network of relationships to influence those sources
- Improve management of global virtual teams across cultural, language and time differences
- Overcome resistance to change, and achieve team integration and alignment within complex matrixed structures
- Manage interdependence between organizational units and foster knowledge flows across company silos